Widening of SR 146 from SR 1/US 27 to CR 553/Lakeview Road

Project ID: 0013590
Construction Year: 2028
State: GA Counties: Catoosa
Entity: Georgia Department of Transportation

The Georgia Department of Transportation intends to widen SR 146 from SR 1/US 27 to CR 553/Lakeview Road. This work would include additional travel lanes, raised medians, and the installation of two roundabouts at existing intersections along this roadway in Catoosa County. Work for this project will include the acquisition of new right of way and a variety of easements imposed on adjacent landowners through the eminent domain process.

Should you be impacted by this project, we can help. If you are a landowner in the footprint of this project and would like assistance with this process or would like more information regarding your rights relative to eminent domain, condemnation, or easements, please contact us today.


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Widening of SR 31/US 441 from south of Poplar Springs Church Road to south of SR 117


State Route 34 (US 11E) From SR 32 (US 25E) to Old Stagecoach Road